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National Black Chamber Of Commerce President Calls Sen. Boxer "Racial" 

Harry Alford President and CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce called Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) "racial" during a Senate Environment and Public Works hearing. The remark from the clearly frustrated CEO came after Chairwomen Boxer quoted environmental views of John Grant, CEO of 100 Black Men of Alanta, whose opinion differed from Alford's. Alford said he found the comparison "offensive" and implied that the only reason Boxer would compare him with Grant was because they are both black. (0:31)


Reader Comments (4)

[...] National Black Chamber Of Commerce President Calls Sen. Boxer “Racial” - Talk Radio News Service [...]

Mr. Alford is absolutely right: MS. Boxer ALWAYS uses race and class warfare to "support" her arguments - just like the entire Democratic Party and Obama - all race, all class warfare, all hatred of the rich and the "typical white person" ALL THE TIME - so thank you to Mr. Alford for arguing that any discussions should be about the SUBJECT - in Alford/Boxer case - ENERGY. Mr. Alford was right to slam Ms. Boxer as she offered NOTHING but deviation from the discussion at hand — energy and climate policy — and one tinged with racial overtones.
My question for Mr. Alford is - why is the name of his organization National BLACK Chamber of Commerce ???? Isn't the subject chamber of commerce? Why the racial overtone? Why the BLACK or HISPANIC Caucus - isn't the topic AMERICAN government? Why the "wise latino"? Isn't the subject JUSTICE? Why BLACK anything? Why Hispanic anything? Suppose I started the WHITE COLLEGE FUND? The WHITE Caucus? The National WHITE Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Alford was exactly right and exactly justified in rejecting Boxer's race-based "opinions," hoping, of course, to placate and subjugate and move Mr. Alford on her side by playing to what she believes is the way to get "people of color" (but not white) on her side. Boxer's remarks were insulting and demeaning - her usual demeanor. Mr. Alford, however, also then has to follow through with his insightful rejection of race-based Class warfare victim hood nonsense and remove the term BLACK from the National Black Chamber of Commerce - after all the subject is ... thank you, Mr. Alford. It is about time we all start being AMERICANS.

July 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterame

I agree that we need to be UNITED AMERICAN'S, if we continue to segregate ourselves we only hurt America. We need to drop the BLACK, HISPANIC, MUSLIM, HINDU, WHATEVER organizations and revert to AMERICAN this will help our country get over the biggots in every organization and bring us all together. UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL, look where America is going right down the toliet.

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJerry

Dear President Alford,
Thank you so much for backing up small business and the majority of the American people..
I thank my God that most Americans really said goodbye to racisim forever...Then along came the primary debates and election to open it all up again..
It was a pleasure to hear you talk with Shaun, and thank you again.

July 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShop Bob

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