Big Step Healthcare Bill According To Pennsylvania Rep.
Rep. Jason Altmire (D-Pa.) says systemic reform is necessary for lowering healthcare costs. In terms of the House healthcare bill, he says it won't be perfect but it will be the biggest step we've ever taken with our healthcare system. (0:29)
Health reform,
Jason Altmire,
healthcare in

Reader Comments (1)
Thank you to Congressman Altmire and all of the Democrats who have the courage to stand up and fight for this legislation. I live in Pittsburgh, and I listen every day to hypocrites like Fred Honsburger rail on about the potential problems with any expansion of healthcare. They complain and say it's too expensive, it will reduce choices or service, it's "socialism", or they even lie and suggest that it's a giveaway to lazy people who won't help themselves. Remember, new healthcare isn't for people on welfare - they already have it. It's for working people who can't afford it - and who can at over $1000 / month for a family? And it actually benefits small businesses and any business competing internationally against companies who don't have to pay for healthcare. So Republicans won't say they're against working people or kids getting healthcare, nor will they admit that national healthcare helps most small businesses, but neither will they suggest any plausible way to pay for it. In my opinion, if people making over a million dollars have to pay for this, so be it. But if not, I say to the Republicans, be honest for a change. Suggest that people like me, who earn between 40 - 60K and make up the bulk of the population pay for it. Or suggest a combination of both. But we know that the gutless Republicans won't ever stand up and pay the bills. Like Bush, they're fine with spending like Britney Spears or AIG, but paying the bills - that's for Democrats. So again, thanks to Jason Altmire and the new Democrats, who understand what it means to have a family, what it means to work, and understand that true liberalism meant success based on merit - not giveaways.