Arizona Republican Calls Waxman-Markey Bill "Communist"
Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) says the passage of the American Clean Energy and Security Act will come back to haunt Democrats in 2010. (:16)
Trent Franks,
geoff holtzman in

Reader Comments (6)
It is good republicans keep calling everything "communist" it now has no meaning
Well, they call it "communist" because most things that the Democrat Party is doing these days are communist - and unlike you, I know very well what this adjective means.
Unfortunately, despite the increased frequency of communist decisions, the meaning of the word "communist" is as dramatic as it has been in the past.
Apparently our democratic liberal " friends" intend queering it for
all United States citizens , regardless of whether they drink the
Socialist Koolaid or not! I hope the same individuals can restrain
their complaints later when the chickens come to roost on their fence ! This Is A BAD Bill,long term or short ! Gregg
Socialism is coming to America because there is no other choice. The so-called free market system has failed. It optimizes around money and not environment, people, or doing the right thing. American capitalism cannot create the number of jobs needed -- technology is now destroying jobs and making our lives easier. As a result, over time there will be less and less work. One cannot exist in America with income and that generally means a job. Marx predicted that capitalism would be self-destruct -- it clearly is. Embrace socialism or the result will be civil unrest and revolution.
I suggest that James should move to North Korea because they have the system there that he loves so much.
lutos motl really doesn't have a clue