Fleming: "So Called Paper Mache Jobs - Green Jobs"
By Kayleigh Harvey - Talk Radio News Service
At a press conference today the Republican Study Committee and Western Caucus introduced their alternative energy proposal, The American Energy and Innovation Act.
Congressman John Fleming (R-La.) said our vision “creates a vision for jobs, more jobs, not the so called paper mache jobs the green jobs, but real jobs created by industry.”
At a press conference today the Republican Study Committee and Western Caucus introduced their alternative energy proposal, The American Energy and Innovation Act.
Congressman John Fleming (R-La.) said our vision “creates a vision for jobs, more jobs, not the so called paper mache jobs the green jobs, but real jobs created by industry.”
tagged American, Caucus, Energy, John, act plan, committee, fleming, innovation, republican, study, western in Audio, Congress, News/Commentary, Today at TRNS, United Nations, Video
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