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McCain says stimulus bill is bad for economic future of America

Senator John McCain (R-Ariz), made a speech on the Senate floor, today, on the compromised version of the stimulus package. In his statement he said: "This legislation, in my view, is very, very bad for the economic future of America."

Reader Comments (1)

These are strong words that Senator McCain is using for the lack of bi-partisanship from President Obama. As I see it, based on what I have read, the republicans did not want to contribute to the stimulus talks. I see no reason to require bi-partisanship on behalf of the republican party, since they are the ones that put us in this position to begin with. I think Senator McCain needs to get over the fact that he lost the election, and posture himself to support HIS President..President Obama.

February 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGary Halsey

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