Obama: There Are Reforms To The Health Care System All Democrats Support
As the debate over the Senate’s health care reform bill enters what could be its final stages, President Barack Obama met with Senate Democrats at the White House Tuesday to shore up support for the much fought-over legislation.
Following the meeting, the president made a statement in which he said there are certain reforms the entire Democratic caucus is an agreement over. (0:19)
Following the meeting, the president made a statement in which he said there are certain reforms the entire Democratic caucus is an agreement over. (0:19)
Barack Obama,
Health Care,
John DuBois in

Reader Comments (1)
While the bill has quite a number of reforms to it that are valuable in of themselves, without the public option, the bill is far less about protecting the weakest of America's citizens than was first promised. There will be some very important measures that people will see over time, but given the effort and focus that the bill has had, many of these reforms could have been done incrementally without the sheer effort that has been put in to date. There might even have been bipartisan support for many of these less contentious issues.