Sen. Landrieu: We're Looking Forward To A Rigorous Debate Over Health Care Reform
Sen. Mary L. Landrieu (D-La.) addresses working provisions already being made by members of Congress before the Health care Bill comes to the floor and says she is looking forward to a rigorous debate. (0:25)
Mary L. Landrieu in

Reader Comments (1)
As a juror I was admonished by the judge to not make up my mind until all of the evidence had been presented. Our Congress and Senate prefer to vote first without having read the text of a bill. This Health Care Reform bill is a "Vapor Bill", an illusion. There is no "text of the bill".
The Senate is "gifted" with members who are attorneys. Would you pay for the advise of an attorney who counseled you to sign a blank contract? If the Senate represents the people it would DEMAND that we the people be permitted to read whatever it is they are voting on, before the vote.
The left recognizes that publishing H.R.3200 was a mistake because enough Americans actually read it and understood that it was crap. They saw that the Democrat shell game wouldn't work this time so now the people will not be allowed to participate (aka get in the way) of their government's agenda.
The Democrats voted down a proposal that would have released the essence of this Vapor Bill 72 hours before the vote. Even 72 hours to read over a thousand pages is too brief a period.
Obama promised transparency before he was elected.
Did he lie?
Do fish swim?