Iranian President Ahmadinejad's Comments to the Press at General Assembly
In contrast to US president George Bush's failure to conduct a press encounter at this week's United Nations General Assembly, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took questions from the media during an hour-long press conference yesterday at UN headquarters in New York.
During the conversation, which was at times confrontational, Ahmadinejad retained a sense of relaxed composure. Though he skirted issues such as detention of dissidents, media transparency, and nuclear threats to Israel, Ahmadinejad was willing to engage on multiple, controversial topics.
Ahmadinejad spoke of his country's willingness to allow IAEA inspectors in to Iran, and denied the possibility that Iran would preemptively attack Israel, stating that "[the world] is entering a post-nuclear" era. The president also discussed his willingness to cooperate with the Iraqi government, cautioned the West about it's excursion in Afghanistan, and warned of the hazards of continued violence in the Middle East.
Listen to Audio File (5:06), via translation
Listen to Entire Press Conference (59:10), via translation

During the conversation, which was at times confrontational, Ahmadinejad retained a sense of relaxed composure. Though he skirted issues such as detention of dissidents, media transparency, and nuclear threats to Israel, Ahmadinejad was willing to engage on multiple, controversial topics.
Ahmadinejad spoke of his country's willingness to allow IAEA inspectors in to Iran, and denied the possibility that Iran would preemptively attack Israel, stating that "[the world] is entering a post-nuclear" era. The president also discussed his willingness to cooperate with the Iraqi government, cautioned the West about it's excursion in Afghanistan, and warned of the hazards of continued violence in the Middle East.
Listen to Audio File (5:06), via translation
Listen to Entire Press Conference (59:10), via translation

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