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Disabled community deserves better

The Democratic National Committee hosted a conference call to discuss Senator John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) position on the Community Choice Act. The Community Choice act is a top priority of the disability community that would allow people with disabilities the chance to choose home-based or community care with in-home services over being forced into nursing homes or institutions. The act would increase the percentage of Medicaid that goes toward in-home care.

Marca Bristo, former Chair of the National Council on Disability, said that McCain has opposed this legislation over many years. According to Bristo, McCain has refused to listen to the disabled community and has ‘robbed them’ of the dignity of living in homes of their choosing as opposed to nursing home. Bristo continued to say that the disabled community could not afford another eight years of status quo and of failed policies. Bristo urged that the disabled community ‘can wait no more’ for change and that is ‘deserves better’ treatment.

Bob Kafka, President of the American Disabled for Attendant Programs Today (ADAPT), said that the Community Choice Act is a bill that almost every national disability group and aging groups has supported. Despite repeated requests to support or co-sponsor the bill, McCain has refused continuously. Kafka said that the disabled community needs health care reforms that should include reforms of long term care. Kafka emphasized the considerable force that the disabled community has in the up-coming election. According to Kafka, the disability vote could be very instrumental. Bristo agreed and said that disabled people form a tight community which pays close attention to issues that directly affect their lives. (17:28)

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