Bush says freedom will again prevail in Iraq
President George W. Bush speaks at the groundbreaking of the United States Institute of Peace headquarters today. Bush speaks about the ideological struggle against violent extremism, which the USIP is playing an important role. USIP is working in Iraq to improve the government and promoting peaceful engagement. (0:43)
president bush,
terrorism in
White House

Reader Comments (1)
Not down in my mind . I am ready bring to Country US make approved
show how the tool we need focus from Iraq .
Every one In The World ready see Julu 04 from Iraq.
I ready send mesege ask any person from my Family Iraq Iran Syria
help me and give me a chance to come see them.
Yes they respect then they promised..
But I need 1 more step make be done . Who take respont my request
if Focus take respond my request from same day July 4 that be done safe and need 2 more Items we processing ..
Finaly I am vey unhappy systems Gov ready destroy and never foever
respect person from Public bring Iusee Idea and what the Tool and The Key use Technical Langure do be done .
I am sure I am strong 100% what kind the Tool what Kind the Key
I ready make approved July 04 from Iraq.
But I enevr have a chance tp Speak and I dont have a other chance be done some for Military Vestaran for all over 4000 Mom who lost my brother Wholost my sisters
Today I tell anything the true when I am say I have Documment send to Gov request before happend 100%
But I am so sorry my country when person like me Disability poor person no one hear from my word..
Do you thinking what Afganistan and Pakistan what they focus from use what they will have new plan
If you Focus profesonal bring on
Dont forget Focus safety Military use right tool
DavidMua Nguyen