Governor says Obama is unprepared to run the country
Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty spoke today about Senator Obama’s (D-Ill.) campaign stop in St. Paul. Pawlenty said that Obama continues to show a lack of judgement in security and international affairs that would be dangerous for the United States if he was voted President.
Pawlenty went on to discuss the negative parts of Obama’s campaign, citing a recent report that Obama is the most liberal senator in the whole senate. He said Obama doesn’t have on the ground, real time, up-to-date information on Iraq, has liberal views on the economy and plans to raise taxes and that Obama lacks understanding of American traditions and values. Overall, Pawlenty said Obama would not make a good president, citing the necessity of experience, which leads to better insight. John McCain has that experience and would be ready to come from day one, Pawlenty said. (13:55)
Pawlenty went on to discuss the negative parts of Obama’s campaign, citing a recent report that Obama is the most liberal senator in the whole senate. He said Obama doesn’t have on the ground, real time, up-to-date information on Iraq, has liberal views on the economy and plans to raise taxes and that Obama lacks understanding of American traditions and values. Overall, Pawlenty said Obama would not make a good president, citing the necessity of experience, which leads to better insight. John McCain has that experience and would be ready to come from day one, Pawlenty said. (13:55)
obama in
Election '08,

Reader Comments (1)
Pawlenty is too busy ingratiating himself to be the VP to remember his constituents who voted two to one for Obama with a final victory of 66% to 32% but I hope this opens up the Governoship for a Democrat who represents the will of the great state of Minnesota.