Cheney and Obama cousins
Vice President Dick Cheney reveals that he is an eighth cousin of Barack Obama. Despite coming from two different Cheney lines, he adds that his family is not from West Virginia. (1:08)
Barack Obama,
Dick Cheney,
Natasha Fernando,
west virginia in
Election '08

Reader Comments (1)
Dear American Voters,
Hon. Senator McCain and Obama, besides each having many attributes and characteristics. The critical differences in my professional, political, and personal opinion are as under:
1. Presidential "Temperament and Composer".
2. Little Washington "insider Versus outsider" connectedness.
3. Vision and mission for our nation future rather than past.
4. American policies first USA centric than other countries centric.
In my professional opinion one senator has it and the other does not. We need one for our Greatgrand Nation to address our all these challenges with a fresh, clean and new slate.
God Bless America. its diverse people, and our Greatgrand Nation.
Yours truly,
COL. [retd] A.M.Khajawall
Forensic psychiatrist, Las Vegas NV