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A new approach to the "politics" of Israel 

An interview with Jeremy Ben-Ami, executive director of the J Street PAC, a new political action committee, which he says is designed to encourage the voices of mainstream Jewish Americans.

Reader Comments (1)

Jeremy Ben-Ami presents a view that has been silenced in this country. Radical pro-Israel groups have acquired firm control over what can be said in this country regarding the debate on Israel. AIPAC, MEMRI, Stand with Us, and many other pro-Israel extremists have disguised themselves as the mainstream voice of Israel and tear to pieces anyone offering an alternative viewpoint.

Ben-Ami told Meredith a little about congressional members and other politicians who are fearful of deviating from a stance on Israel endorsed by the hard liners because of the severe and inevitable repercussions. He said that term "pro-Israeli" has been hijacked and he is absolutely right. Jimmy Carter is a prime example. There shouldn't be a shred of doubt in anyone's mind that Jimmy Carter is pro-Israel, yet he has suffered intolerably as a result of the hard line pro-Israel interests that attacked him after publishing his book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid. Those attacks have been renewed at the announcement of his plans to meet with Hamas and he has even been garnering criticisms for that decision from the presidential candidates despite a recent Ha'aretz poll revealing 64% of Israelis are in favor of direct talks with Hamas.

But we wouldn't know that from reading American press which is ironically less free to criticize Israel than Israeli press thanks, in part, to the tremendous efforts undertaken by treacherous media watchdog groups such as CAMERA.

The future looks grim for J Street; I suspect that the PAC will endure a rigorous up hill battle to moderate discourse on Israel before being swallowed by the radical elements.

Thanks for the interview, Meredith!

April 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermarc

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