Presidential Candidate John Edwards on Change
Presidential Candidate John Edwards on Change
According to Edwards, to bring about change the presidential candidates will need backbone, will and determination.
According to Edwards, to bring about change the presidential candidates will need backbone, will and determination.
John Edwards,
New Hampshire,
benjamin netanyahu,
primary in

Reader Comments (1)
John Edwards says that we need change. In fact, he asks whether we have the determination and backbone to change, to alter our present course.
To Mr. Edwards and all the candidates for President of the greatest nation in the world, the United States of America, we the people portray our diligence and backbone each and every day without the perks you enjoy as you seem to all stand above us, not with us.
Unfortunately those entrusted by vote and willingness to serve have placed personal agenda and special interest groups much ahead of delegating monies from our hard earned tax dollars with out much accountability.
As an example, as a citizen and taxpayers of not only the Commonwealth of Massachusetts but of thezse United States, I called for a "Big Dig Congressional Hearing" to investigate and discuss the massive $16 Billion "Big Dig" project where seven miles of Boston's highways/roadways were remade. Public safety was compromised and public outcries for government officials even during Mitt Romney's Governorship went unheard pls see:
Do we have the backbone and are we ripe for change, Mr. Edwards, it is not us the working and compassionate American populace, it is you and your peers who have forgotten your pledge and your commitment to make Life better for not only every American citizen, but for every person globally who seeks a better and more informed Life for themselves and their families and neighbors!
Mr. Edwards, can you change? Can your peers change? Does any one truly understand what it is to portray leadership.
It is not Hillary Clinton with her brief tearful moment nor the promises and promises with no solutions put forth by any of the canddiates, just pledges of goodness which we as the people have heard and seen the results.
While I am not a supporter of Al Gore, I must say as of today 9th January 2008, I would like to propose that he be nominated as the Democratic contender for at least he had secured a great many more that any of you can in gaining trust and moving our wonderful country who has helped so many in history rise from ashes with hope!
Christopher Tingus
Harwich, MA