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« Chairman Carl Levin (D-MI) questions Army Chief of Staff Gen. Peter Schoomaker about his responsibility in the Walter Reed scandal. | Main | Amy Wilkins, Vice President of The Education Trust, relates that the American education system is "virtually rigged" to make sure that children in low-income schools will not achieve at the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee hearing on the reauthorization of No Child Left Behind. »

Dr. Linda Darling Hammond, a professor at Stanford University, says that when compared to the education system of other countries, American teachers have unequal salaries, unequal working conditions, and teachers with varying degrees of mentoring and preparation at the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee hearing on the reauthorization of No Child Left Behind.

Hammond relates that all of these factors heavily influence the quality of a child's education and leads to costly employee turnover. (0:57)

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