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Entries in jobs (9)


HUD, DOT And EPA Tout Partnership For Sustainable Communities

On Thursday morning, DOT Secretary Ray LaHood, HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan and EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson told reporters what the Obama Administration’s Parternship for Sustainable Communities aims, and how it will significantly contribute towards improving the lives of Americans.


Labor Department Official Assesses July Jobs Report

Bureau of Labor Statistics Commissioner Keith Hall speaking at the joint economic committee on the July GDP report that was released today.


Highlights Of Scott Brown's First Press Conference

Newly-sworn in Senator Scott Brown (R-Mass.) talks to the press just moments after taking his oath of office. Brown shares his views on the economy, healthcare reform and the military's controversial "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy.

Commissioner David Wright questions green jobs

South Carolina Public Service Commissioner David Wright says he questions if the price of power is worth the jobs it is supposed to create in an interview held after a U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resource. by Suzia van Swol, University of New Mexico- Talk Radio News
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