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Entries in democrat (13)


Spike Lee at the DNCC

Film maker Spike Lee speaks with Talk Radio News at the DNCC


Rep. Dennis Kucinich at the TRNS Radio Row

Dennis Kucinich at the Talk Radio News Radio Row.


Hillary Clinton's Nomination of Barack Obama by Acclamation

Hillary Clinton moves to nominate Barack Obama as the Democratic nominee for president.

Video by TRNS partner PoliticsTV

Unconventional Action DNCC Protest

Dan Patterson interviews a representative from protest group Unconventional Action backstage at Rage Against the Machine's Denver concert.

Listen to audio file (1:24)


TRNS Social Media Coverage of the Conventions

It's pretty late at night, and I need to crash. But, I'd really like to give props to the social media community. Many users and companies have been very helpful in distributing our content around the web, and allowing us to engage in conversation.

The entire Talk Radio News staff is working hard to continue coverage from the Democratic and Republican conventions. We provide audio content to talk radio stations all over the country. Talk Radio News is, however, also utilizing social media to quickly publish media from the conventions, and provide perspective from behind the scenes.

Much thanks to the staff at Qik who provided me with a few essential tools for the Nokia N95 cell phone. Qik allows users to stream content live from their phones direct to the web - Jackie, Bhaskar, and the entire Qik staff have been very supportive.

The entire staff at Seesmic have helped us talk to YOU about what types of coverage really matter. Thanks, Seesmic - you're wonderful!

Twitter / Seesmic user @Tiil has made a VERY cool site that aggregates all the Talk Radio News Service content - Check it out!

Another Twitter / Seesmic @silverton created a Tumblr that also pulls together our pictures, video, and audio posts - thanks, Michael!

Seesmic conversation about Talk Radio News:

Re:aboutRSS mashupfor Convention Coverage PUBLIC Account

Live stream from Qik of Hillary Clinton's speech:

We have another big day tomorrow, and I'm off to bed. But, once again, thanks everyone!

- Dan Patterson
TRNS Chief UN Correspondent