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Entries in Congress (20)


Former Pay Czar Explains TARP Executive Compensation Process

During an appearance Thursday before the Congressional Oversight Panel for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), former pay czar Kenneth Feinberg explained that compensation for executives at bailed out companies was based on individual executives’ abilities to avoid unnecessary risks and keep their companies competitive enough to repay TARP obligation


Groups Protest Congressional Inaction After Oil Spill

Advocacy groups protest congressional inaction three months after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. (1:38)


Evan Bayh Says Washington Is Broken. Is He Right?

Indiana Senator Evan Bayh (D) says he is retiring because the system in Washington, D.C. is broken. Is he right? TRNS reporter Chingyu Wang asks folks in Capitol Hill what they think.


Ron Paul Discusses His Bill To Audit The Fed

Speaking at the Cato Institute, Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) discusses his bill to audit the Federal Reserve. He explains the implications of the legislation, the reasons it has gained bipartisan support and the efforts taken by the Fed in response to the bill. June 24, 2009


Ron Paul Says Fed Transparency Will Lead To Monetary Reform

Congressman Ron Paul says America will not experience "true monetary reform" until the actions of the Federal Reserve become more transparent. Rep Paul (R-Texas) made these remarks at the Cato Institute in Washington D.C.