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Entries in White House (79)


Bidens To Dine With Cantors

Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, will host House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) and his wife, Diana, for dinner this evening.

Seems odd, doesn’t it?

Not really, according to USA Today White House Correspondent David Jackson. Jackson reported this morning that the two men share a good, personal relationship and “have in fact said nice things about each other.”

Click here to read more…


Physician: Obama Fit For Duty, Tobacco Free

Barack Obama is now tobacco free, according to the President’s physician.

Following the President’s latest physical examination, Dr. Jeffrey Kuhlman, MD, MPH reported that the President has kicked his cigarette habit and is “fit for duty.”

The details of the exam, released with the President’s permission, also shows that the President has kept both his cholesterol and weight at a healthy level, stays physically active and occasionally drinks alcohol in moderation.

“The President is current on all age-appropriate screening tests,” Kuhlman notes, concluding that Obama is “fit at fifty.”


White House Pursues Job Creation With New Online Initiative

The White House announced Friday that they will be establishing a new online initiative aimed at easing small businesses’ access to government resources.

Entitled “BusinessUSA,” the proposed site will “disseminate core information regarding the Federal Government’s programs and services relevant to small businesses and exporters” as it’s first step.

The site was established via Presidential memorandum as part of the administration’s new strategy of sidestepping Congress by utilizing the authority of the Executive branch.

“With too many families struggling and too many businesses fighting to keep their doors open, we can’t wait for Congress to take action,” Obama said in a statement.

According to the language of the memorandum, the online platform will be up in 90 days.


Obama's Approval Rating Inches Up

President Barack Obama’s approval rating has seen a slight increase, according to a new Gallup poll.

The survey shows that the President now stands with 43 percent approval, a 5 percent increase from the 38 percent he charted just earlier this month.

The polling agency says that the increase could be attributed to the death of Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi, the new plan to remove U.S. troops from Iraq by year’s end and improvements in the stock market.

The poll was conducted October 24th through the 26th among 1,565 adults.


Obama Encouraged By Euro Debt Deal

President Obama told reporters Thursday that he is pleased with the ability of European leaders to come to terms on a plan to bail out financially troubled nations across the Atlantic.

Speaking in the Oval Office before a meeting with Czech Republic Prime Minister Petr Necas, Obama called the deal “an important first step.”

“There’s no doubt that it’s progress,” Obama said. “So the key now is to make sure that there is strong follow-up, strong execution of the plans that have been put forward.”

Necas, who was involved in negotiations in Brussels, did not comment on the plan while reporters were in the room.

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