Military Probing Attack On SEALS
* Investigators will be examining the devastating Saturday attack to see if it was a concerted effort to down the chopper or bad luck that left 38 dead
* According to officials, the Taliban “generally tend to..get out before heavy reinforcements come in; if they’ve now decided to stand and fight that has some significance”
* The Navy SEAL team was on a mission to rescue an Army Ranger unit that was under fire from insurgents
* They had completed the mission, subduing the attackers who had the Rangers pinned down, and were leaving when they were hit
* The 30 slain Americans included 22 Navy SEALs, 3 Air Force combat controllers, four crew members and a K-9 handler whose dog was also killed, most of the SEALs belonged to the unit that killed Osama bin Laden, though they were not on the raid