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Entries by Victoria Jones (16)


Military Probing Attack On SEALS

* Investigators will be examining the devastating Saturday attack to see if it was a concerted effort to down the chopper or bad luck that left 38 dead

* According to officials, the Taliban “generally tend to..get out before heavy reinforcements come in; if they’ve now decided to stand and fight that has some significance”

* The Navy SEAL team was on a mission to rescue an Army Ranger unit that was under fire from insurgents

* They had completed the mission, subduing the attackers who had the Rangers pinned down, and were leaving when they were hit

* The 30 slain Americans included 22 Navy SEALs, 3 Air Force combat controllers, four crew members and a K-9 handler whose dog was also killed, most of the SEALs belonged to the unit that killed Osama bin Laden, though they were not on the raid


Moody's: US Must Cut Into Deficit More


* Moody’s says it could downgrade the US before 2013 if the fiscal or economic outlook weakens significantly

* Says it sees potential for a new debt agreement in Washington to cut the budget deficit before then

** Moody’s is willing to give the US more time to tackle its debt problems BUT “over time, this status (AAA) could be threatened if further measures to address the long term fiscal situation are not adopted, but it is too early to conclude that such measures will not be forthcoming”

** Cheerful S&P chairman says it could take between 9 and 18 years for the US to regain its AAA status - thanks, John Chambers, we’ll remember you at the holidays - and he puts the chances of another drop at one in three


Trial Begins For Egypt's Mubarak

UPDATE (10:50 am) — Mubarak and his sons pleaded not guilty to murder and corruption charges.

* Egypt’s deposed President Mubarak was wheeled into court today and put in a cage (as is usual in Egyptian trials)

* He’s on trial for murder, corruption, abuse of office, allegedly harming Egypt’s national interests by selling natural gas to Israel - his sons are also on trial

* His prosecution is sending shivers down the spines of fellow Arab leaders; for Syria’s al Assad and Libya’s Qaddafi they may have more reason to continue fighting to stay in power, no matter the cost

* Many Egyptians doubted the day would actually come; and there are pro and anti demonstrations


White House Unveils New Anti-Extremism Strategy 

* More than a year in the making, first time US has a comprehensive strategy to counter violent extremism

* Will revolve around folding federal, state and local officials into a broad initiative

* Bring together agencies and depts that have everyday ties to communities  and give them the tools to counter radicalization; traditionally the DoJ or FBI has taken the lead on this kind of outreach

* Strategies that might apply to a young man toying with becoming a neo Nazi would apply to just about anyone wooed by violent extremist rhetoric, studies show

* So ideology may not be the driving factor - community and identity are just as important

* Islamists, skinheads, neo Nazis (former violent ones) said they were all restless youths who lacked identity growing up and found an identity within their respective extremist groups

* WH strategy aims to make sure these young people feel they have an identity and a place in society instead


Congress Adjourns Without Extending FAA Funding

* Last ditch effort by the admin to get the Senate to accept a funding extension that would have returned 4,000 FAA employees and about 70,000 others failed yesterday

* It was a House bill that had provisions senators found unacceptable - it’s about labour relations and some Dem senators see it as union busting and Delta airlines influencing Republican senators - there’s also an issue to do with rural airports but that could have been worked out probably

* We’re “assured” safety won’t be compromised

* Here’s some of what the airport safety inspectors do who are laid off:

* Investigate runway incursions, ensure corrective action’s taken on safety discrepancies, ensure commercial airports comply with federal regulations, support runway safety teams

*** Dozens have been asked to work without pay and charge their government travel to their personal credit cards to keep airports operating safely

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