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Entries in U.S. Supreme Court (6)


Dioxin: "the most toxic substance known to science" used on humans

The Vietnam Agent Orange Relief and Responsibility Campaign is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse the dismissal of their lawsuit against Dow Chemical and Monsanto for their inclusion of dioxin in Agent Orange. The group's lawyer Jonathan Moore, believes that American use of Agent Orange "violated international law" because of the use of dioxin in the chemical spray. Dang Hong Nhut, a 72-year-old first generation victim, described various skin diseases, intestinal tumors, as well as five miscarriages and one stillborn birth. Tran Thi Hoan is a 22-year-old second generation victim born without legs and an atrophied left hand. The group asks for compensation as well as "remediation of the destroyed environment" in Vietnam. Moore said the most important thing is that America must "recognize the tremendous harm done in Vietnam" and take responsibility for the acts committed there.
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