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Entries in Joseph Russell (25)


Health Care Reform Becoming The Nightmare Before Recess

By Joseph Russell- Talk Radio News Service

There are at least two things lawmakers agree upon in Washington regarding health care reform. First, it must be done. Second, it’s becoming a nightmare.

The nightmare for Democrats is being caused by growing bipartisan objection for a government run health care system. Republicans like House Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio), say the bill is a “bureaucratic nightmare” for the American public.

On Tuesday, Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) said that House Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats “are on the verge of an historic victory for the American taxpayers and the American health care economy” by opposing a government run health care system.

Said Pence, “Under the Democrat plan, according to independent analysis, you’ll probably lose your health insurance and you might just lose your job.”

Governor Haley Barbour from Mississippi pointed out that the current proposal is nothing more than a huge unfunded mandate for states, and will hurt senior citizens through sweeping Medicare cuts. Moreover, Barbour said that the inevitable cost and tax increases will cripple most small businesses in most states.

Nevertheless, congressional recess is set to begin Friday, and without a proposal for health care reform in sight, it’s unknown whether members of Congress will be able to leave for vacation on time.

House GOP’ers Risk Injury To Present Health Care Amendments

By Joseph Russell- Talk Radio News Service

Although none of them stretched beforehand, House Republicans lugged dozens of boxes filled with legislative health care amendments called the “Rx for a Healthy America,” around the Capitol on Friday.

"I'm gonna take a chance with my back here," Rep. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) said jokingly. "You can't offer your ideas if there's not a forum, a legislative forum, to offer your ideas. . . we've been right up to the edge of pounding on the door for six months."

Rep. Joe Barton (R-Tex.) and others unveiled the GOP’s 12-point proposal for health care reform. Specifically, the plan focuses on health care affordability, availability, and accessibility. Barton asserted that the plan’s amendments will be offered as soon as “Democrats resume the stalled bill-writing session.”

The plan is designed to ensure that time is taken to produce reform that adheres to the desires of the American public, while at the same time solving the problems of the current health care system.

“It took the President six months to decide how long and which puppy he was gonna have,” said Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Ga.). “To expect Congress to do something on major health care reform in six days is totally irresponsible.”

The “Rx for a Healthy America” plan ensures that Americans keep their current insurance, prohibits pre-existing condition clauses, and guarantees that health care will not become government operated. Moreover, the plan will ensure senior choice, transparency, and government health care for the President, Vice President, and members of Congress.

Barton said that the 17 boxes worth of amendments are more comprehensive than the Democrats' plan and achieve the goals set by President Obama. Barton added that unlike the President’s plan, the Republicans can prove their plan’s effectiveness.

New GOP-Led “Health Solutions Group” Seeks Smart Reform 

By Joseph Russell - Talk Radio News Service

Republican leaders in the House called for “smart reform” at a press conference Thursday. The new Health Solutions Group, comprised of House Republicans from committees dealing with health care reform, said that as more Americans raise objections to a government take-over of health care, President Obama becomes less specific.

“The president really presented the American people with a false choice,” House Minority Whip Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said. “There are only two ways, either the status quo or a government health care plan. We’re here to say that there really is a third way.”

The Health Solutions Group heard testimony from Canadian citizens and British doctors like Shona Holmes who claimed her life was saved by leaving Canada and coming to the U.S. for treatment. Holmes said that 5 million people in Canada go without a family doctor, a percentage that would equal “the same population as in the State of California.”

House Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) was more focused on the impact Obamacare, if passed, will have on small businesses. “Either you offer health insurance to your employees or you pay an eight percent payroll tax,” Boehner said. “What this is going to do is raise the cost of employment, which is going to mean less employees in America. . . according to their bill, they're going to lose about five million jobs.”

House GOP leaders said that growing bipartisan disapproval for a government run health care bill is going to make it difficult for House Democrats to continue to ignore Republicans, who argue that they have been left out of the process. Though unlikely, the Democratic health care proposal, over 1,100 pages long, may still be voted on before the Congressional recess in August.

Frank And Others Less Than Interested In Financial Regulatory Reform

By Joseph Russell- Talk Radio News Service

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) seemed to be a bit distracted Wednesday during the committee's testimony on financial regulatory reforms proposed by the Obama administration.

Frank read a newspaper, fell asleep, and then left early during testimony from Chairman Mary Schapiro of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Chairman Gary Gensler of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

Frank’s lack of attention highlighted the disapproval shared by Republicans on the committee that the Obama administration’s proposals do not address the specific needs of financial regulatory reform, and vastly expand the SEC’s power.

“Perhaps an even more fundamental question needs to be asked here,” said Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ). “Will standardized business be significantly related to the recent meltdown of our financial markets? And if not, why are we prescribing cure for a non-existing ailment.”

The Obama administration has proposed a broad spectrum of reforms that would expand the U.S. financial regulatory system. The administration’s plan calls for derivatives and hedge funds to be regulated, a stiffening of securities and futures regulation, and regulation of the credit rating agencies by the SEC. This committee meeting was the first of several that will examine these proposals.

GOP Congressman: Not Enough Time To Read Health Care Reform Bill

By Joseph Russell-Talk Radio News Service

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) was admittedly blurry eyed when he addressed a group from the Better Health Bloggers on Friday. Ryan was up all night on Capitol Hill finalizing the House Ways and Means Committee version of the health care reform.

"It’s a bill that none of us read because we couldn’t read it possibly in the time allotted, and we have no idea what it costs. Nevertheless, the bill is out of the Ways and Means Committee on its way to the House floor,” said Ryan.

Ryan addressed the Better Health Bloggers as part of a nation wide campaign for physicians to support patients’ rights. Ryan asked for support of the “Patient’s Choice Act,” which reforms health care by strengthening the relationship between doctors and patients while opening competition to contain costs, rather than raising the possibility of government rationing and restrictions.

Ryan said under his bill “more uninsured Americans can be covered by spending current dollars more wisely and more efficiently, than throwing trillions more at the problem.”

Dr. Val Jones created Better Health, a network of popular health bloggers, to support and promote health care professional’s views on reform, science, research, and care, through blogs.