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Entries in Health Care (130)


Senate Republicans Decry Health Reform

By John DuBois

Talk Radio News Service-University of New Mexico

The America’s Affordable Health Choices Act that recently passed through the House has put Senate Republicans under pressure.

Quoting a March, 2009, speech by President Obama, U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) said that the “B” word (Bankruptcy) looms for the country. “That b word is showing up in more and more articles as the cost of health care keeps getting higher,” said Alexander.

In that speech, Obama said: “If people think we could can simply take everybody who’s not insured and load them up in the system where costs are out of control it’s not going to happen. We’ll run out of money and the federal government will be bankrupt and the state governments will be bankrupt.”

U.S. Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said that health reform will result in billions of dollars in new taxes nation-wide. The bill would drive up the cost of health insurance premiums and a six point seven billion dollar annual fee that will be imposed on insurers based on market share, she said.

“I have concluded that if any of these bills were to pass Health care costs would actually increase for many Americans the opposite of what we would want for health care reform to produce,” said Collins. “A 40-year-old today buying the most popular insurance policy in the individual market in the state of Maine pays $185 a month. Under the new Senate Finance Committee bill, that 40-year-old would have to pay at least $455 a month for a policy that meets the minimum standards because of new taxes.”

Collins said Democrats and Republicans should “put together a bipartisan bill, that would reduce the number of uninsured, not penalize small business, not drive up the cost of health care and would make a real difference. There are so many areas that have bipartisan agreement on what should be done. I would like to see us work together to try to put together a bill that would do just that. To me, we should rewrite the whole bill. I don’t know that my colleagues would all agree,” she said.

House GOP Leadership Gears Up For Final Health Care Fight

By Travis Martinez, University of New Mexico-Talk Radio News Service

House Minority Lead John Boehner (R-Ohio) promised late Saturday morning that Congressional Republicans are preparing a strong stand against the Affordable Health Care for America Act, stating that they will attempt to convince Democrats to vote against the legislation.

"Members are having conversations with colleagues on the other side of the aisle... we're going to do everything we can to make sure this bill does not happen," he said.

The House is expected to vote on the bill Saturday evening.

Boehner and the rest of the House Republican leadership stood at a podium flanked by two flow charts showing what Boehner described as the 'Super Bureaucracy' that will be implemented if the bill passes.

House Minority Whip Erica Cantor (R-VA) commented that the only bipartisan votes on this bill will be from Democratic members who have decided to side with Republicans in opposition.

Cantor touted the Republican's alternative bill.

“One version ... will be a massive overhaul and remake the health care system that we know to a system we don't, and another version ... takes a reasoned and smart approach,” Cantor said.

White House Failing To Curb Job Loss, Claims Boehner

By Travis Martinez, University of New Mexico-Talk Radio News Service

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) accused the Obama administration and Congressional Democrats Friday of mishandling the U.S. economy following the Labor Department’s announcement that unemployment has hit 10.2%,

“Today’s report is yet another reminder that American families and small businesses are still struggling, and the White House response is falling short,” said Boehner.

Boehner pointed to failed promises and exorbitant spending, citing the Democrats’ health care reform bill and stimulus plan as steps that will plunge the U.S. further into debt.

“Since the stimulus plan was signed into law, more than three million private sector jobs have been lost,” said Boehner “Now, Speaker Pelosi is pressing ahead with a $1.3 trillion government takeover of health care, endorsed by President Obama, that will destroy 5.5 million jobs according to methodology developed by his own senior economist.”

AARP Endorses House Health Care Bill 

By Meagan Wiseley - University of New Mexico/Talk Radio News Service

AARP CEO A. Barry Rand announced Thursday that the lobbying organization for seniors' interests is endorsing the House health care bill.

“On behalf of our nearly 40 million members, AARP is pleased to endorse the Affordable Health Care for America Act,” Rand said during a press conference.

Rand said the House bill improves and strengthens Medicare benefits and protects the program for future generations. He also said the bill restricts insurance companies from discriminating against older Americans.

"The Affordable Health Care for America Act...meets those goals with improved benefits for people in Medicare and needed health insurance market reforms to help ensure every American can purchase affordable health coverage,” said Rand.

The House is preparing to vote on this bill as soon as Saturday.

Rand added, “As members of the House gear up for this historic vote, they will hear from older Americans.”

AARP is the largest membership organization for people over 50.

Pelosi: Amendment Clarifying Abortion Funding May Not Make It Into Health Care Bill

By Leah Valencia, University of New Mexico- Talk Radio News Service

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday that the decision has not been made over whether lawmakers will be allowed to offer amendments to the Affordable Health Care for All Americans Act once it reaches chamber floor, including any amendment pertaining to abortion.

“We may not have any amendments,” Pelosi said during her weekly press conference.

Rep. Brad Ellsworth (D-Ind.) and Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) along with many other pro-life democrats have threatened to oppose the bill until language barring federal funding for abortions is introduced.

Current versions of the House health care legislation do not directly address the issue of abortion, however House leaders have maintained throughout the health care debate that the bill would not allow abortions to be federally funded.

The Speaker needs 218 votes to pass the bill, including as many pro-life Democrats as possible. Pelosi said that although she knows some Democrats have strong convictions regarding abortion, she still believes in their support for health care reform.

"Congressman Ellsworth's record in Congress and his statements outside of Congress have been strongly pro-life," Pelosi said. "He and others who have strong pro-life convictions want very much to see a health care bill passed."

The House Rules Committee Friday will finalize all the rules for this weekend's House health care debate.
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