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Entries in GI Bill (7)


Conference call offers suggestions for improving the transition back home for veterans

Former Senator Max Cleland (D-Ga.) and House Speaker of the Oregon House of Representatives Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) held a conference call to address plans to end the war in Iraq and ideas to ensure veterans receive health care, higher education, and job training when they return to the U.S.

Cleland said there is “no American military solution in Iraq” and that the troops should be withdrawn. He said the war is wearing out the military, and that it is possible to resolve conflicts in Iraq without them. He feels the administration is slow to deal with casualties and costs.

Merkley echoed that national security is broader than just military might, and would like to see Congress and the administration “fight for those who fought for us overseas.” He plans to take on veteran issues such as mental health, screenings for traumatic brain injuries, and health care. He also said veterans in service should spend as much time in the U.S. as they did in employment before going back. His focus is on a new G.I. Bill for the 21st century to provide education opportunities for veterans to help with the transition back home. He also wants a program to provide free tuition to the family members of those who lost their lives serving the country.

Merkley also said he is focused on getting the troops home by ending the war in Iraq. He suggested getting out of controls and check points, working with surrounding states to prevent a broader war, ending dependence on foreign oil, and rebuilding Iraq’s economy.

Senators, veterans promote GI Bill to send veterans to college

Senators, representatives, veterans, and other public figures gather at a rally in front of the Capitol to promote a new GI Bill that will cover the full cost of college education for veterans.

Sen. Jim Webb at GI Bill rally
Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at Veterans' GI Bill Rally
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) at Veterans' GI Bill rally
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV)

Veteran Lupe Saldana, Former National Commander, American GI Forum of the U.S.

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