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Entries in Geoff Morrell (11)


The Pentagon PM Report 

Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell held a briefing with the press and began with an announcement about MRAPs or mine resistant, ambush protected vehicles, which have been ordered in almost non-stop production by the Secretary of Defense as the primary combat vehicle in Iraq.

Morrell reinforced the belief of Secretary of Defense Robert Gates that MRAPs are the safest, most live-saving vehicle choice in Iraq. This statement was made in response to a New York Times headline that suggested that MRAPs were being questioned by the Defense Department, after the first fatality in an MRAP caused by an IED (improvised explosive device) attack since the MRAP production program began. Morrell said that the Secretary of Defense has never been more convinced of the life saving quality of MRAPS than after the attack that took place over the weekend.

He also said that in retrospect the Pentagon is pleased on its decisions on a particular type of MRAP that will most likely be transferred to Afghanistan. One of the most lightweight designs ordered into ramped-up production, it turns out, is ideally suited for conditions on the ground in Afghanistan.

On the subject of Afghanistan Morrell said that the Secretary has commissioned a document that will take a look at the goals in Afghanistan for the next three to five years. It is a strategic document reflecting an overall vision for Afghanistan and is being constructed in cooperation with NATO allies. Morrell said that other U.S. government entities, such as the Department of State, will have a chance to collaborate as well.

ON the 2009 budget, Morrell said that there is a possibility that the 2009 war funding request for the military might be submitted to the Hill before the 2008 funding is passed. This does not seam likely to happen, but it is a possibility. Morell emphasized that the war is currently operating on a bridge fund passed by Congress before the intersession, but without continued movement on Capitol Hill in terms of war funding the DoD, would be forced to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with the budget for military bases.
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