Romney To Unveil His Own Jobs Plan
Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 9:51AM
Benny Martinez in Election '12, Quick News

Following President Obama’s announcement to unveil a new jobs plan in early September, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney announced Thursday that he will give the country a jobs plan of his own on the very same week.

“If it’s a continuation of what we’ve seen in the past, we know it will fail,” Romney said to Fox News Channel’s Neil Cavuto. “I’m also in Nevada on Sept. 6th, and I will be coming out with my jobs plan, and it will be very different from his. And if we follow my jobs plan we’ll get America working again.” 

According to his campaign, Romney’s decision to unveil a jobs plan in September is part of an initiative to begin revealing more heavily detailed policy positions in the coming months.

Article originally appeared on Talk Radio News Service: News, Politics, Media (
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