By Philip Bunnell
This week, Talk Radio News Service is launching a new weekly feature tracking advertisements in the large Capitol Hill publications, namely, Politico, The Hill, the National Journal, and the National Journal Daily.
This Week’s Winner for Most Ads: The Sprint Network with four full page ads.
Second Place (Tie): General Electric and ExxonMobil, with three full page ads each.
General Electric bought full page ads and a back cover in the National Journal Daily, the National Journal, and Roll Call. All of GE’s ads expressed the corporation’s support and sponsorship of the Ronald Reagan Centennial Celebration.
The Sprint Network bought a back cover and full page ads in National Journal, Politico, Roll Call, and the Hill, welcoming competition in the mobile phone business. Presumably, this is in response to the recent and controversial merger between telecom giants AT&T and T-Mobile.
AT&T bought a two page spread in the National Journal, touting the new merger and how it would expand and improve coverage. Further saturating Capitol Hill publications with wireless advertisements was the CTIA Wireless Association.
Toyota bought full page ads in the National Journal and Politico touting the appeal of its vehicles to customers, and the corporation’s volunteer work.
ExxonMobil bought full page ads in Politico, Roll Call, and The Hill explaining the untapped potential in oil sands and natural gas; the corporation attests that both would improve American energy security and create jobs. The American Petroleum Institute also bought a full page ad in the National Journal against any new energy taxes. This move comes amidst soaring gas prices.
The European Union bought a large two and a half page space to demonstrate its devotion to consumer safety.
The Sierra Nevada Corporation bought a full page ad touting its new A-29 Super T jet. This comes amid debate on Capitol Hill over whether to cut defense spending. Target and Google made appearances by sponsoring full page ads. Several other groups had full page ads, including Siemens, United Healthcare, Race for the Cure, WTOP Radio, Nemacolin Woodlands Resort, and the Washington Humane Society.
ITC Holdings, Altria Group, Goldman Sachs and the Sprint Network all took the back covers this week. Smaller ads were bought by a variety of groups: Freight Rail Works, Peace Through Business, and Ogilvy Washington.