Gregg: Leadership Missing In Washington
Monday, March 28, 2011 at 10:11AM
Staff in News/Commentary

Former New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg spoke out against the leadership, or lack thereof, of President Obama and his administration in an Op-Ed published in The Hill.

The former Republican Senator criticized Obama for failing to follow through on the quartet of words, “Hope, Change, Liberty and Opportunity,” the president used and promised he would pursue in 2008. 

“It also takes leadership to execute on these words, and if one thing has been missing in Washington these days, it is leadership,” Gregg wrote. “Yet [Obama] does not seem to be inclined to do so. This is strange.”

Gregg called on the leadership qualities of former Presidents Reagan, Truman and Franklin D. Roosevelt saying these men would not allow America to tackle the many issues, both foreign and domestic, “in a rudderless boat.”

This administration seems to be subject to a paralysis that is driven, one presumes, by an over-arching desire to set up for the reelection effort,” he wrote. “The nation needs and the world needs the president to lead us on a course that will restore hope, change the tenor of the times, ensure and expand liberty and promote opportunity.”

Article originally appeared on Talk Radio News Service: News, Politics, Media (
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