Study Shows Early Stages In Reducing Emisisons Can Begin Without Congress
Friday, July 23, 2010 at 12:07PM
Staff in Franz Litz, Jennifer Morgan, Linn Grubbström, News/Commentary, World Resources Institute, climate legislation

By Linn Grubbstrom - Talk Radio News Service

The World Resources Institute (WRI) recently conducted a study that revealed certain federal agencies can take the initial steps towards reducing green house gas emissions before Congress passes any form of energy reform.

President Barack Obama promised the world at the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Conference the United States was committed to reducing green house gas emissions 17% lower than 2005 levels by 2020. The statement, considered bold by some, demands regulatory tools in any approach, this according findings in a new study conducted by the World Resources Institute (WRI).

“The main finding in our study is that existing tools that are available to federal agencies in the US can get us part of the way to the point we need to be on green house gas emissions,” said Franz Litz, senior fellow at WRI.

The study revealed findings that would ultimately lead to the reduction of green house gas emissions without immendiate action from Congress. Experts said that the Envirnonmental Protection Agency, Department of Transportation and the Department of Energy can jump start initiatives on their own.

“We say that if they act aggressively, beginning right away, that they could reduce the emissions collectively by 14% below 2005 levels by 2020, which is only three percent short of what the Obama administration committed to,” said Litz. 

Jennifer Morgan, director of WRI’s Climate and Energy Program, said that countries around the world are watching and waiting for the U.S. to make progress in regulating emissions. Experts said countries, investors and companies all want to know when and where to invest money towards .

“Other countries have been asking us…what are the other options if the U.S. does not, in the end, pass legislation, how far can they get?” Morgan said. “They want to know what role America is going to play in the clean energy race in the future.”

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