House Democrats are still feeling the side effects of Secretary Robert Gibbs’ concession that the left remains vulnerable to a political coup come November’s midterm elections.
House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) told reporters Thursday he understands why House Democrats are frustrated and said “they see the White House throwing them under the bus.”
The Ohio Republican blasted Democrats saying “they’re in such disarray, it’s time for them to grow up,” and with financial reform on the cusp of being President Obama’s second major legislative accomplishment, Boehner lashed back and said that the bill was “ill conceived.”
Boehner targeted the White House and alluded to the notion that the White House was “desperate” by bringing Warren Buffet and President Clinton to assist in business communications.
“The president has no credibility with people who create [jobs],” Boehner said. “Every time [he] has had a chance to help small businesses, he has turned his back and doubled down on Washington stimulus spending.”