New Resolution Seeks To Block Iran From Developing Nuclear Weapons
Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at 3:05PM
Staff in Brandon Kosters, Congress, Iran, News/Commentary, Under Secretary of State For Political Affairs William J. Burns
By Brandon Kosters- Talk Radio News Service
Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs William J. Burns spoke during a hearing with the Senate Foreign Affairs committee about a new resolution that aims to deter Iran from developing nuclear weaponry.
The resolution bans transfers of conventional weapons to Iran, imposes new cargo inspection laws to stop Iran's smuggling and acquisition of "nuclear materials and other elicit items", prohibits investment in foreign uranium mining, and will attempt to weaken the Islamic Revolutionary Guard in Iran by freezing their assets.
Burns said that Iran could produce a nuclear weapon in three to five years.
Article originally appeared on Talk Radio News Service: News, Politics, Media (
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