Pentagon Notes 
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 11:24AM
Staff in Frontpage 2, News/Commentary, Pentagon
From Tuesday’s gaggle with Pentagon Spokesman U.S. Colonel David Lapan.


The gaggle met just minutes after Petraeus collapsed, so there was no further information on the General’s collapse than what those watching the hearing witnessed.

Recruitment Numbers

The Pentagon released new data for recruitment and retention for May.

The Army reported that they surpassed their accession goal for active members by 4%. The Navy, Marines and Air Force all met their accession numbers.

All branches reported that they either met or surpassed their retention expectations for the first eight months of 2010.

Fort Hood Recommendations

In April, the Pentagon announced that they will implement 26 of the 79 recommendations that followed a review of the shooting at Fort Hood.

A decision on the remaining 53 recommendations will arrive at the end of June.
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