Obama Makes Secret Trip To Afghanistan
Sunday, March 28, 2010 at 12:16PM
Justin Duckham in Frontpage 1, News/Commentary, White House, afghanistan, obama
President Barack Obama landed in Afghanistan Sunday in a secret trip to the nation.
According to National Security Advisor General James L. Jones, who briefed reporters en-route to the country aboard Air Force One, the president will "engage [Afghan] President [Hamid] Karzai...to make him understand that in his second term, there are certain things that have been not paid attention to, almost since day one.”
Jones cited specific concerns, including the drug trade, questionable appointments and corruption within the Karzai government.
The four-star general added that these issues “provide a lot of the economic engine for the insurgents."
Obama arrived around 8pm local time and was met on ground by General Stanley McChrystal, who commands U.S. forces in Afghanistan, and Ambassador Karl Eikenberry.
Reporters were initially told that the president would be spending the day in Camp David.
Article originally appeared on Talk Radio News Service: News, Politics, Media (http://www.talkradionews.com/).
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