Pelosi: Threats Against Lawmakers Have No Place
Thursday, March 25, 2010 at 3:13PM
Talk Radio News Service (Admin) in Congress, Frontpage 2, Health Care, House of Representatives, Sofia Sanchez, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
By Sofia Sanchez
University of New Mexico/ Talk Radio News Service

On Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said recent threats against Members who voted 'yes' on healthcare reform are unacceptable.

“I believe words have power, they weigh a ton," said Pelosi when asked to compare the current threats to those levied against famed San Francisco politician Harvey Milk during the 1970's.

The Speaker said she does not want the threatening emails, letters and voicemails from constituents angry with their elected officials to distract lawmakers from passing the Reconiciliation Act.

“We are here to pass health care for all Americans,” she said.

Pelosi scolded any Republicans who may have encouraged protesters to make noise during House debate inside the Capitol building earlier this week.

"I do think that this Congress and House of Representatives is a classroom, and that it is inappropriate for members of Congress to stand up and cheer when these sentiments are expressed in the gallery,” she said.

Pelosi reminded those opposed to healthcare reform that they will soon have a legal and more peaceful chance to express their discontent with lawmakers

“Elections are a way for us to show our pleasure or displeasure with a particular point of view."
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