Conservatives Ready To Open The Door To Latinos, Says Former Bush Official
Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at 3:44PM
Talk Radio News Service (Admin) in Alfonso Aguilar, American Principles Project, Frontpage 2, News/Commentary, Sofia Sanchez, george w bush, immigration
By Sofia Sanchez - University of New Mexico/Talk Radio News Service

American Principles Project (APP) Senior Fellow Alfonso Aguilar, the former Chief of the U.S. Office of Citizenship under George W. Bush, announced a new initiative from his organization to reach for the Latino vote and promote for immigration reform.

“This initiative sets to promote conservative values and ideals among the hispanic community, but also to integrate Latinos into fuller participation in the broader conservative movement,” said Aguilar Tuesday.

According to a statement released by APP, the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles dual mission is to first acquire greater Latino support for conservative causes and candidates, and to encourage the conservative movement to support polices that are welcoming of immigrants.

“The conservative movement has to open itself up to Latinos, and that means that they have to understand the values and aspirations and see that they are very similar to the values and aspirations of regular Americans,” said Aguilar. “Immigration is that issue that prevents the conservative movement from gaining sizable support from the Latino community.”

The APP also announced it’s readiness to champion comprehensive immigration reform and invest resources to support pro-immigration candidates within the conservative movement.
Article originally appeared on Talk Radio News Service: News, Politics, Media (
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