BP CEO: Relations With U.S. Will Improve Following Massive Spill  
Monday, October 25, 2010 at 2:34PM
Justin Duckham in Deepwater Horizon Spill, News/Commentary

BP CEO Robert Dudley believes that the relationship between the oil giant and the U.S. will eventually recover following this year’s massive oil spill off the Gulf Coast.

“We’re part of the American community,” Dudley said during remarks before a conference held by the Confederation for Business Industry. “BP will not be quitting America.”

Dudley, who replaced Tony Hayward following Hayward’s poor public management of the crisis, claimed that the company has gone beyond what was legally required of them.

“The scale of our response … has not gone unnoticed,” Dudley said.

The CEO also noted that due to the demands to work with the U.S.amid the disaster, BP now boasts “more points of contact across the U.S. government than any company.”

An explosion aboard the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in April resulted in a drastic flow of oil for three months. 11 workers died amid the initial accident.

Article originally appeared on Talk Radio News Service: News, Politics, Media (http://www.talkradionews.com/).
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