Sen. Schumer Shoots Down Proposed Iranian Missile Shield
Thursday, September 17, 2009 at 11:45AM
Talk Radio News Service (Admin) in Frontpage 2, Iran, News/Commentary, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Travis Martinez, missile defense, schumer
Travis Martinez, University of New Mexico, Talk Radio News Service

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) defended the scrapping of a missle shield aimed at preventing an attack from Iran Thursday morning after a meeting with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

"The missile shield is an ineffective and expensive way to deal with missiles," said Schumer.

The initial plan, which would have established a missle defense sysytem in Poland and the Czech Republic, was recently halted by President Barack Obama.

Schumer went on to say that the missle shield would only antagnonize the Russians and suggested an economic deterrent to Iran's alleged nuclear pursuit.

"We need to squeeze them economically," said Schumer.

Secretary Clinton left without comment.
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