Schools More Susceptible To Swine Flu
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 12:31PM
Staff in Frontpage 2, H1N1, News/Commentary, swine flu
Schools are particularly susceptible to an H1N1 outbreak. According to Dr. Jon Kim Andrus, the Lead Technical Advisor for the Immunization Unit of the Pan American Health Organization, up to 33% of those in a school setting exposed to an H1N1 outbreak could become infected.
In the event of an outbreak “closing up schools in certain settings has been helpful,” Andrus said during his address to the National Swine Flu Conference. “Children are what we are calling the amplifiers of infection. There have been studies that have shown the prevention of influenza in children will reduce disease burden in all age groups.”
Still, Andrus warned, closing schools may not be a realistic step since the economic status of many nations prevents financially strapped parents from taking time off watch over infected children at home.
Article originally appeared on Talk Radio News Service: News, Politics, Media (
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