McConnell: Dems More Interested In Making History Than Good Policy
Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at 1:58PM
Talk Radio News Service (Admin) in Congress, Frontpage 3, Mtich McConnell, News/Commentary, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Travis Martinez, health care reform, senate debate
Travis Martinez, University of New Mexico/Talk Radio News Service

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) claimed Wednesday that Senate Democrats' view passing health care reform legislation more as a chance to make history than create good policy.

"They’re left with the following argument, 'make history," said McConnell. “As we all know many things have happened in history some of them have not been good at all. This is the wrong kind of history.”

Armed with newspaper clippings, McConnell referenced recent polls showing that Democrats have lost public support on health care reform.

“Their problem isn’t the 40 of us, it’s the American people,” said the Minority Leader.
Article originally appeared on Talk Radio News Service: News, Politics, Media (
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