Pelosi Trumpets Democrats' House Wins
Wednesday, November 4, 2009 at 3:11PM
Talk Radio News Service (Admin) in California, Congress, Frontpage 2, Leah valencia, New Jersey, New York, News/Commentary, elections, pelosi, virginia
By Leah Valencia, University of New Mexico- Talk Radio News Service

While Republicans celebrated their parties numerous victories from Tuesday’s elections, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Wednesday that she was not disappointed by the results.

"From our standpoint, we picked up votes last night, one in California and one in New York," Pelosi said during a press appearance, referencing the special elections held in New York's 23rd Congressional district and California's 10th.

"From our perspective, we won last night," Pelosi added. "From our standpoint...a candidate was victorious who supports health care reform.”

The Speaker did not acknowledge the fact that Democratic gubernatorial losses in New Jersey and Virginia may have a negative political impact on her efforts to win votes to pass the America’s Healthy Choices Act, the bill to reform the health care system, through the House.

Pelosi instead focused on the Democratic wins in the two special elections for House seats.

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