In VA-35, Both Campaigns Predict Tight Race
Monday, November 2, 2009 at 11:17AM
Staff in 35, 35th, Campaign, Frontpage 3, GOP, Hyland, Keam, News/Commentary, Party, Tom Davis, VA, VA-35, attorney general, colins, delegate, democrat, election, fairfax, george, hank silverberg, house, jeannemarie devolites davis, lovelace, media, michaeltruhl, mike, oakton, political, politics, poll, polling, public, race, republican, state, steve shannon, thirty-fifth, thirty-five, turnout, vienna, virginia, wtop
The race to replace 35th District Delegate and Democratic Attorney General candidate Steve Shannon is within a 2-point margin – or at least it was two weeks ago, according to polls conducted for Republican candidate Jim Hyland.

Hyland’s margin, described by his campaign manager Kevin Conroy as “within the margin of error,” reflects a tightening of the race since a July benchmark poll, when pollsters Barry Zeplowitz and Bill Lee of TelOpinion Research indicated in a confidential memo posted on Hyland’s website that Hyland held a 7-point lead 43 percent to 36 percent lead, with 21 percent undecided. The memo did not indicate the size of the sample or whether “likely voter” filters were used.

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