House Democrats Urge Pelosi To Reject Tax On 'Cadillac' Plans
Friday, October 2, 2009 at 2:35PM
Staff in Congress, News/Commentary
Rep. Joe Coutrney (D-Conn.) Friday expanded upon a letter proposed by Courtney and 107 fellow Congressmen asking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to reject a tax on “cadillac”, or high-priced, health insurance plans.

“This approach...would result in unacceptable burden on middle class families existing health insurance,” said Courtney during a conference call with reporters.

“The purpose of this letter is to put up a big red flag for the White House and the Congressional leadership that this is going to be a real problem trying to incorporate it into a final package.”

The tax was initially proposed in the Senate Finance Committee as a means to secure funding for the costs that will arise from reform efforts.

The Republican National Committee released a briefing last Wednesday stating "the new tax is intended to target 'Cadillac' plans offered to wealthy individuals. It would fall on plans valued at $8,000 or more for individuals, and at $21,000 or more for families."
Article originally appeared on Talk Radio News Service: News, Politics, Media (
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