PUMAs Roar Their Discontent
Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 4:40PM
Staff in News/Commentary
PUMA Pride

As the Democrats try to promote a sense of unity in Denver, another organization is working hard to promote the opposite. People United Means Action, better known as PUMA, is here to speak out against the Democratic Party's presidential nominee. PUMA member, Kathleen Wynne, believes that Senator Hillary Clinton's presidential nomination was stolen from her due to sexist media coverage. Wynne is upset because she thinks the Democratic party should've stood up against what she thinks to be an injustice. While she noted each PUMA member will express their dissent in a different way, Wynne admitted she will place her vote for John McCain. Wynne is committed to "sticking it to the Democratic Party" and condoned the group's nickname, "Party Unity My Ass."

Article originally appeared on Talk Radio News Service: News, Politics, Media (http://www.talkradionews.com/).
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