Today at Talk Radio News Service
Thursday, April 24, 2008 at 9:25AM
Staff in News/Commentary
This morning, the Washington Bureau is covering the White House Summit on Inner-City Children and Faith-Based Schools, as well as the House Foreign Affairs Committee's subcommittee hearing on "War Powers for the 21st Century: The Executive Branch Perspective." The Washington Bureau will also attend the House Judiciary Committee's subcommittee hearing on "Competition in the Airline Industry" and the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on "An Examination of the Delta-Northwest Merger."

Correspondent Dawn Jones will attend the House Select Energy Independence and Global Warming Committee hearing on "Pumping up Prices: The Strategic Petroleum Reserve and Record Gas Prices."

Pentagon Correspondent Meredith MacKenzie will attend the White House briefing.

Bureau Chief Ellen Ratner will attend the White House Gaggle.
Article originally appeared on Talk Radio News Service: News, Politics, Media (
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