Today at Talk Radio News Service
Tuesday, October 7, 2008 at 10:19AM
Staff in AIG, Pentagon, Today at TRNS, department of energy, presidential debate
Bureau Chief Ellen Ratner and Legal Affairs Correspondent Jay Tamboli will be reporting on the Presidential Debate in Nashville, Tenn.

White House Correspondent Lovisa Frost will be covering the President’s remarks on the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act in Chantilly, Va.

Pentagon Correspondent S. Dawn Casey will be reporting from the Pentagon.

The Washington Bureau will be covering the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on the AIG bailout, remarks by Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman and Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer on the release of National Biofuels Action Plan, a discussion on the function of the Electoral College at the National Archives, and the National Research Council’s briefing on protecting individual privacy in the struggle against terrorists.

The Washington Bureau will also be covering a National Press Club luncheon with artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude on the art project "The Mastaba" for the United Arab Emirates and the Energy Deparment’s 2008-2009 Winter Fuels Outlook Conference.
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