ACORN poses "immediate concern" for McCain campaign
Tuesday, October 14, 2008 at 2:05PM
Staff in ACORN, Election '08, Palin, mccain, obama
Co-chairs of the McCain-Palin Honest and Open Election Committee John Danforth and Warren Rudman said that the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) posed an immediate concern for those hoping to have a fair and uncontested election.
Danforth outlined the allegations facing ACORN, including evidence the organization registered the same person 73 times, sent in the names of the Dallas Cowboys, and tried to register a seven-year-old.
"We say our safeguards are working...but we don't know how many are slipping through the cracks."
The co-chairs were unable to say if they knew how many may have been wrongly disqualified or how many have been disqualified for human error.
Danforth and Rudman said the Committee is looking for a bipartisan solution and that they have sent a letter to Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee Chair asking for help in rooting out voting fraud by posting volunteers from each campaign in polling places in battleground states to help oversee the election. According to Danforth, this request has gone unanswered for over a month.
Article originally appeared on Talk Radio News Service: News, Politics, Media (
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