Choose or Snooze Campaign Coverage Pipe
Thursday, January 3, 2008 at 6:25PM
Dan Patterson in News/Commentary
I made a Pipe a while back that pulls in a ton of campaign and political news from a variety of both social and traditional media sources. It's a bit quirky, but this far the Pipe has spit out some GREAT campaign news - very up-to-the-second and very has culled some fantastic stories.

Here's the raw feed.

clipped from

Choose or Snooze Campaign Coverage beta

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  • Barack Obama: Rounding Up L...

  • Congressman King on Rudy

  • Ron Paul TV Ad: We Have Th...

  • John Edwards - FDR - Fort M...

  • Richardson tells CNN he is ...

  • Fred's Message to Iowa Voters

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    - Dan
    Article originally appeared on Talk Radio News Service: News, Politics, Media (
    See website for complete article licensing information.