White House Gaggle
Tuesday, April 13, 2004 at 1:00AM
Staff in News/Commentary
By Sarah Bogdan
President's Schedule

The President began this morning by speaking of the President Mexico Vicente Fox. They discussed current the Human Rights Commission that is in Geneva, agreed on the importance of passing a Cuba resolution at that meeting and working together to improve the human right situation in Cuba. President Bush expressed his condolences to President Fox for the loss suffered by families in the floods in Mexico. After speaking with President Fox, President Bush had his usual morning briefings. This afternoon the President will receive an update on the economy by his economic team. The President looks forward to tonight's news conference. The president of Guatemala has been invited for a meeting on April 30th. President Bush wants to further discussions on free trade, human rights, security, and good governance.


Today's Retail Sales Report was released and the retail sales have increased well above market expectations.

Tonight's News Conference

The President will have a twelve minute opening statement on Iraq. The President wants to give the American people an update on the current situation in Iraq. Press Secretary McClellan said that President Bush is still finalizing his remarks and McClellan did not want to speculate on what will be said at the briefing. McClellan did say that the President will be talking about the recent violence in Iraq and that at this time, Iraq is in a critical position. McClellan reaffirmed that a free and peaceful Iraq is important to winning the war on terrorism and bringing stability to a "dangerous" region in the world. McClellan said that the events in Iraq are vital to our national security. The press is welcomed to ask any questions they so please at the conference tonight and it will last about an hour said McClellan.

Iraq and the United Nations

Press Secretary McClellan said that that UN is involved in Iraq and that the UN is working "closely" with the United States during the transition period before elections.

9/11 Commission

The Bush Administration will take every recommendation from the 9/11 Commission seriously and will take steps to further protect the American people.

Week Ahead

The President is looking forward to meeting with Prime Minister Sharon tomorrow to talk about some ideas that have the "potential to be historic", said McClellan. The President wants to talk about the Roadmap to peace and his two state vision.
Article originally appeared on Talk Radio News Service: News, Politics, Media (http://www.talkradionews.com/).
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