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Entries in economy (217)


Oil prices a barometer of economy

Dr. Daniel Yergin, Chairman of IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates, testifies before the Joint Economic Committee to explain how oil prices and the economy are linked. (0:31)

Geithner on the Aggressive Response to Economic Crisis

By Courtney Ann Jackson-Talk Radio News Service

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner speaks at the luncheon hosted by Newsweek Monday focused on "Recession and Recovery: The Road Ahead." Geithner understands where the frustration with the crisis is coming from and lays out the way in which the administration is dealing with it. (1:29)

150,000 Jobs In Obama's First 100 Days

By Kayleigh Harvey - Talk Radio News Service

At a House Joint Economic Committee hearing today on the current economic outlook, Dr. Christina Romer, Chair of Council for Economic Advisors said, “during the first one hundred days if the Obama administration...the Recovery Act has already already saved or created about 150,000 jobs.” Adding “that most of the benefits of the Recovery Act are yet to come... our estimates remain that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act spending will create or save 3.5 million jobs before the end of next year.”


Green for All takes part in Climate Equity Alliance

by Christina Lovato, University of New Mexico-Talk Radio News Service

This afternoon at a discussion to introduce the Climate Equity Alliance, Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, the CEO of Green for All, talked about why Green for All is taking part in the alliance. Ellis-Lamkins said “Our hope is that working together, if we do this right, we’ll really be able to make sure that both our planet and the people that inhabit it are not really just surviving but in fact thriving in a clean energy economy." (01:52)

The unemployment crisis

By Michael Ruhl, University of New Mexico – Talk Radio News Service

Correspondent Michael Ruhl reports on the recent release of the unemployment statistics for March.

Long segment: (01:00)
Short segment: (00:32)

The unemployment statistics for march

By Michael Ruhl, University of New Mexico – Talk Radio News Service

Bureau of Labor Statistics Commissioner Keith Hall testifies before Congress on the nation's unemployment numbers from March 2009, and how the recession has affected employment.

Hall said that unemployment numbers have climbed from 8.1 percent to 8.5 percent, and that the industries hardest hit are manufacturing, construction, and temporary services.


The burden of borrowing

Jonathan Bronstein sits down with Adrian Smith (R-Neb.) about the budget, green jobs, and the problems posed by foreign nations owning American debt.

"I find it ironic that the very same folks who criticize President Bush for pursuing a smaller amount of this, they don't seem to have a problem with a larger amount of this now that they have a new president," said Smith in regards to the Democrats increasing the size of the government.

Great depression never again

Christina Romer, Chair of the President's Council of Economic Advisers, asserts her belief that a "great" depression will never occur again (0:11)

Financial stimulus needed for economy

Christina Romer, Chair of the President's Council of Economic Advisors, expressing her belief that the stimulus bill will work to reinvigorate the nation's economy (0:24)

Interview with Lyndon LaRouche on the economy

Ellen Ratner interviews Lyndon LaRouche. He tracks historical events which led to the current economic crisis starting with President Truman. LaRouche describes President Obama as having limited competence, and no comprehension of the economy. He also predicts, "We are about to go into a breakdown which is almost unprecendented," and the way to fix it is by putting the bank system into bankruptcy reorganization. (07:15)

For more of LaRouche's information visit:

Pelosi: Recovery package is fiscally sound 

Following a Democratic Steering and Policy Committee listening session on the economy, Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said that "it is very clear that as we implement our recovery package, we must make sure that it works. And again, confidence is a big part of that investment that we have made. And we also must make sure the public understands this is a very fiscally sound package. The choices that were made in it were to create jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs and jobs as soon as possible and jobs over a period of time to stabilize the economy.” Pelosi emphasized that the baseline for spending has not been raised, but rather the stimulus is targeted in a time frame to make the difference. (1:01)

"We're up to the challenge"

By Michael Ruhl, University of New Mexico - Talk Radio News Service

Following the President's address to Congress on Tuesday evening, Michael Ruhl spoke to Representative Sam Farr (D-CA). Farr called the speech "The strongest President Speech I've ever heard since I've been in Congress", a speech that displayed the President's "commitment to making this nation an opportunity for all". He continued by saying that he thinks the American public is "up to the challenge", and likened it to the mission to the moon, except that this time everyone is involved in making it happen. He said that he was excited about facing the challenge, because it is what he was elected to do. (01:20)

"I was born for such a time"

By Michael Ruhl, University of New Mexico - Talk Radio News Service

Michael Ruhl interviews Gwen Moore (D-WI) after the President's Address to Congress. She called the costs of both wars to the national budget "mind boggling". However, regarding deficit spending in general, she said that it is a government tool to help the economy. When asked what she would tell her grandchildren about that night, she would tell them that "she was there", and was "born for such a time" to confront challenges of this magnitude. She said it was her destiny. (03:20)


Obama a great dose of "reality" and "inspiration"

By Michael Ruhl, University of New Mexico - Talk Radio News Service

Michael Ruhl interviewed Representative Russ Carnahan (D-MO) in Statuary Hall following the President's address to Congress. He is confident in the President being bipartisan, and said that his speech was a dose of "reality" and "inspiration". He said that Energy, Education, and Healthcare are all intertwined with the economic solutions the President is putting forward. (02:07)

Rep. Brad Miller: "we have one country, and one economy"

By Michael Ruhl, University of New Mexico - Talk Radio News Service

Rep. Brad Miller (D-NC) is confident that President Obama understands the severity of the economic crisis, and is equipped to deal with it. He said that "we have one country and one economy", and that we must work together to fix it or all suffer the consequences. (01:38)

Sen. Schumer: Iraq and Bush tax cuts weren't "generational theft"?

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) points out that Republican Senators are now complaining that the stimulus spending is "generational theft," but none of them complained about "generational theft" when they were discussing the Bush tax cuts or funding the Iraq war. (1:05)

Sen. Shelby: We have decided we are not capable of enduring the consequences of our own actions

Senator Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) it took until 1982 for the national debt to pass $1 trillion. The stimulus bill will add approximately that much in a single year. Worse, he says, today, when the Senate is expected to pass the stimulus bill, "will mark the day when our generation decided that we were not capable of enduring the consequences of our own actions, and therefore future generations must shoulder the burden that we could not find the courage to bear ourselves." (0:51)

Licensed Professionals Who Commit Fraud Should Be Made Example Of

By Kayleigh Harvey - Talk Radio News Service

This was a statement made by Neil Barofsky, Special Inspector General for the Troubled Assets Relief Program, at a Senate Judiciary hearing, in response to a question posed by Senator Edward Kaufman (D-Del).
February 11, 2009.

Fraud contributed to economic crisis

By Kayleigh Harvey - Talk Radio News Service

This was an answer given by Neil Barofsky, Special Inspector General for the Trouble Assets Relief Program, at a Senate Judiciary Hearing, when asked by Committee Chairman Partrick Leahy (D-Vt), whether or not he thought fraud contributed to the economic crisis.
February 11, 2009.


"Come on in, fraud is welcome"

By Kayleigh Harvey - Talk Radio News Service

Committee Chairman Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt) made this comment in an opening statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee on how he felt banks and private mortgage companies had relaxed their standards for loans.
February 11, 2009.
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