Thune: Direct Correlation Between Spending, Debt And Job Creation
Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) discusses the need for spending cuts in order to slash the federal debt and create jobs. (0:41)
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Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) discusses the need for spending cuts in order to slash the federal debt and create jobs. (0:41)
David Malpass, President of Encima Global testifies on the nation’s economic and fiscal outlook. (0:19)
Senate Budget Committee Chairman Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) warns of the consequences related to an escalating federal debt at a hearing on “The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2011-2021.”
Dr. Simon Johnson, Ronald Kurtz Professor of Entrepreneurship at MIT and Senior Fellow to Peterson Institute for International Economics discusses necessity of financial reform. (0:27)
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Cali.) discusses says that extending unemployment insurance is key for the health of the economy and the American people. (0:29)
Current Majority Leader and newly elected Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) acknowledges that the midterm elections were a clear sign from Americans that there needs to be a greater focus on job creation and fiscal responsibility and that is what the Democratic Party will do. (0:22)
President Obama speaks at White House press conference about the American people’s main concern. They are expressing great frustration about the economy and that they are not feeling the progress, Obama says. (:27)
Many are still not seeing the benefit of the stimulus and thusly are still stuck in the economic drag says AEI scholar John Makin, a former consultant to the CBO and Treasury Department. (0:44)
AEI public opinion expert Karlyn Bowman says the high unemployment only affects public opinion in the short-term, whereas high-inflation has long-term effects. (0:23)
AEI scholar John Makin, a former consultant for the CBO and Treasury Department, predicts that the GDP will fall by the end of the fourth quarter. (0:39)
Vice President Joe Biden’s top economic adviser Jared Bernstein says the loss of public trust in all institutions affected by the economic recession has caused the most damage. (0:31)
Jared Bernstein, the top economic advisor to Vice President Biden, says most jobs that will be created in the upcoming economy will require middle to lower skill sets. (0:56)
The Vice President’s top economic advisor Jared Bernstein says the Obama administration is stablizing the economy but notes that there is still much work to be done. (0:43)
Jared Bernstein, the top economic advisor to the Vice President, explains that economies have historically been expected to abide by social contracts. (0:45)
Top economic advisor to Vice President Biden Jared Bernstein says that ‘troublemakers’ ruin social contracts. (1:00)
Former Special Master of TARP Executive Compensation Kenneth Feinberg discusses the priniciples the Treasury Department outlined for setting up executive paychecks. (0:49)
EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson says economic and environmental problems are tied together in many ways and the Obama administration’s Partnership for Sustainable Committee is targeting. (0:35)
Former Special Master for TARP Executive Compensation Kenneth Feinberg agrees partly with the New York Times about his limited role in the economic process. (0:30)
Shaun Donovan, Secretary of U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD), says that although the economy cannot be fixed immediately, good jobs can be created by “acting now”. (0:27)
Tim Warman, Executive Director of the National Wildlife Federation’s (NWF) Global Warming Soulutions Program talks about the positive economic effects the development of clean renewable energy would have on the economy. (0:23)